


When you stop eating, weight loss is inevitable. There are no questions about it. Everyone who skips eating for 2 days will end up losing weight unlike other weight loss methods where results are never guaranteed. There are 2 reasons as to why you are going to lose weight. 

1. caloric deficit

2. ketosis

You will have skipped 2 whole days of eating which could potentially put you in a caloric deficit of up to 4000 calories, depending on what your regular food intake is. 

Caloric deficit equals weight loss. Simple. 

If you’re doing OMAD or other form of intermittent fasting, this deficit will be much lower because you technically only skip one day of eating. 

When you abstain from food for up to 24 hours, your body will have at that stage depleted enough of its glycogen (sugar stores) that it would be forced to start using fat stores for energy. You will have entered the state of ketosis, in other words fat burning zone. 

48 hour fast allows your body to stay in the fat burning zone for quite a significant amount of time. 

Burning fat equals fat loss. Simple. 


1. fast from dinner one day, completely skip eating the following day, and end your fast with dinner on the third day 

2. make your last meal before the fast satiating, include protein and fat

3. set a timer with your favourite fasting app for 48 hours

4. you can drink ;

black coffee/decaf, unsweetened

tea, unsweetened, no milk

lemon juice (slices or juice diluted in water in limited amount)

any type of water (mineral, plain, carbonated, warm, infused)

apple cider vinegar

electrolytes (most commonly sodium in the form of salt)

chewing gum/sugar free (if you need to refresh your breath but limit the amount)

5. abstain from calories and carbohydrates as these will compromise the fat burning process mentioned above

6. stop fasting if you feel unwell or are suffering in any way

7. end your fast with a small snack or soup, wait a while before you have your main meal in order to avoid feeling sick 




You will experience waves of hunger. The less experience with fasting you have the more hunger you will feel. If you don’t provide your body with fuel it will eventually switch to using its own fat stores for energy. This will not happen without a fight. You must be prepared for this and ride it out. Hunger will not last the whole time. As long as there’s enough fat on your body, you will not starve to death.

You must find your own strategies to deal with this sensation, for many people this will be the first time they’re experiencing real hunger. It will be uncomfortable. You simply must accept it and focus on your goal. The more you practice fasting the less hunger you will be experiencing

For some, drinking sparkling water, hot drinks, apple cider vinegar helps ease the hunger pangs for others, it’s a matter of mind and focus. 


You are likely going to experience feeling cold, especially in your hands and feet. You are burning fat after all. I recommend only drinking hot beverages during the fast, even water, warm it up. You can also have a bath with some magnesium salts which also is particularly helpful if you’re experiencing muscle cramps. Perhaps have a hot water bottle handy and obviously layer up your clothes. 


This should only be mild. You can try taking a pinch of salt or a mix of electrolytes. You can purchase these online or ask your pharmacist. 


If you experience some mild cramping, don’t be alarmed. Try an Epsom salt bath or magnesium oil. You can also ask your pharmacist for a magnesium supplement to ease these symptoms.


The general recommendation for extended fasting is 1-2 x per month.

You can combine it with shorter fasting methods which prepare you for the longer fast, or you can only do 48 hour fasting and eat as usual for the rest of the time. 

Skipping 48 hours/2 days of eating twice a month could potentially put you in a caloric deficit of up to 8000 calories. Granted you must not compensate for missed meals on your eating days which would completely defeat the object of the fast, if weight loss is your primary goal. 

Hope you have found this helpful xox


The Complete Guide to Fasting, 2016 by Jason Fung, MD with Jimmy Moore

Longer fasting regimens -24 hours or more by Jason Fung 

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