One of the wonderful things about intermittent fasting is its flexibility. You can and should experiment with various methods until you find the one which can become part of your lifestyle with ease. Or you can always alternate the methods if you become bored or complacent. 

The Fast-5 Diet and The Fast-5 Lifestyle is a weight loss method and a book written by Dr Bert Herring, also the author of AC: The Power of Appetite Correction.  


Bert Herring MD is an American doctor who served 4 years as a medical officer in the US navy. After returning from service he had gained an extra 20 pounds which he was determined to lose. When “eat less exercise more” advice had failed him, he came up with the Fast-5 Diet plan and according to him those extra pounds melted away.


Many people successfully lose weight at some point in their lives but only a fraction is able to maintain the weight loss long term. It is believed that up to 95% of dieters regain lost weight. The objective of his method is to help people lose excess weight with a simple lifestyle change which is maintainable long term. As Dr Herring points out, if you want to stop regaining the weight you had lost you must make a permanent change. Following a plan which you can’t stand or sustain and can’t wait to come off is not the answer. 

 The Fast-5 steps help your body adapt to a routine that allows you to turn away from food without superhuman willpower, building a sense of achievement and self confidence, not self denial.”

Dr Herring claims that you can expect to lose up to 1lb per week following this method without banning any food.


The Fast-5 Diet is an intermittent fasting method or a form of time restrictive eating where you are required to fast for 19 hours and eat within a 5 hour time frame. The easiest way to start, for most people, would be to extend a daily overnight fast to 19 hours and eat within a 5 hour window in the evening. The recommended 5 hour eating window with this method is between the hours of 17.00-22.00.

The main reason as to why an evening eating window has been selected is for social needs. Most people enjoy family dinners or dinner dates, this eating window accommodates that without feeling you have to miss out.

Of course if this is not your preferred time to eat, you can move your 5 hour window to earlier in the day. The idea is that you set your 5 hour eating window and follow it daily. Simple. Once you get used to the new time frame of eating it will be easy to adhere to, even after you will have reached your goal weight.   

According to Dr Herring, there is no need to weigh, measure or count anything just as there’s no need to avoid any food groups. The main rule is to only eat within your set 5 hour window and fast for the remaining 19 hours.



You must avoid food and calories. You can drink “fasting liquids”, even artificially sweetened drinks are acceptable for this method. You must avoid milk, cream, bulletproof coffee, juice, mints, chewing gum, anything containing calories.

The Fast-5 routine changes how the body responds to food and it changes the rhythm of hunger.


There are no restrictions as to what you’re allowed to eat. You do not need to count calories or points, niether are you required to cut out any food groups. You can eat two small meals or one meal and snacks. Dr Herring’ s preferred way of eating is to have one main meal followed by snacks until his eating window closes. As with any method, experiment and find the best approach suitable for your needs. 

FAST-5 is not a starvation diet; when you eat, you eat until you are full.


Exercising is not required if you’re not already exercising. It is in fact advised not to start a new workout program, instead include long walks as part of your movement.


This method was developed to help people who are overweight but otherwise healthy. Even thought the plan was written by a doctor, it is not medical advice. You must consult with your doctor before undergoing major lifestyle changes.


vs 16:8 method

The FAST-5 eating window is long enough to feel satisfied and short enough to prevent unnecessary calories from mindless eating. The 16:8 method’s 8hr eating window may be too long for some people who despite fasting for 16 hours end up overeating in their 8 hour eating window and not lose weight.


Although OMAD delivers great results, it is an extreme version of intermittent fasting and not maintainable or even doable for everyone, especially those new to the fasting lifestyle


TMAD method specifically prohibits snacking in between its 2 meals unlike The Fast-5 where snacking is not off limits as long as it is within the 5 hour eating window. 


1. eat only within a 5 hour eating window, recommended between 17.00-22.00 hours

2. fast for 19 hours daily

3. no calories, chewing gum, mints allowed during a fast

4. artificially sweetened zero calorie beverages are permitted 

5. during the 5 hr eating window no food is off limit, no calorie or point counting is necessary; eat, snack until satisfied

6. expect adjustment period; extend your fasting window gradually

7. expect to eat more when you first start, this will adjust

8. you can move your eating window earlier in the day if you prefer

9. better food choices equals better results

10. exercise plan is not necessary but include daily walks

The Fast-5 Diet and The Fast-5 Lifestyle book covers subjects such as goal setting, learning about fasting and different types of hunger, adjustment period and maintenance advice. The author also included a common questions and answers section as well as problems and solutions. You can also find a glossary, healthy weight guide and weight reference table within the book. 

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