Allow me to swiftly introduce you to my intermittent fasting (IF) and weight loss experience. If I can do it so can you.



I’ve been yo-yo dieting ever since I was a teenager. I have tried every diet under the sun; the cabbage soup diet, juice diet, not eating after 5pm, eating only specific colour food, food combining, eating only apples, only potatoes, cutting out sweets, bread, pasta, the 5 bite diet, calorie counting, monomeals, diet pills, green tea, acv, fat burning pills, … I’ve lost count of all the diets and guess what, despite all my efforts and diet obsession I had spent the majority of every year overweight, unhappy and desperate to change.

Intermittent Fasting (IF)  is the only tool that has actually helped me understand real hunger, become patient, disciplined, not feeling deprived and simultaneously helped me reach my lowest weight ever, while still eating my favourite foods. Furthermore, I have been maintaining my weight loss results for over 4 years.


I remember when I was searching for yet another diet to try, it was late at night and I came across a video where “this guy” claimed that he could eat a large portion of whatever he wanted and stay lean. On top of that seemingly ridiculous claim, he also ate his massive meal late at night. What!? I want some of that! But how?

Ok, ok as you’ve obviously figured, his secret was fasting. In other words, he basically saved all his daily calories for dinner and thus was able to eat a massive meal without any restrictions later in a day.

It must have been the first time ever that I’d heard someone actually recommending late night eating for weight loss. It was a concept that strongly appealed to my ‘night owl’ nature. Frankly, I’ve never really cared much for breakfast or eating small meals throughout the day. This seemed too good to be true if I’m honest, but it sort of made sense logically, plus it seemed like the perfect “diet plan” for me. I was ready to give it a go! What’s the worst that can happen.  


Being completely honest with you, I struggled tremendously for the first few weeks of trying to fast until dinner. I felt miserable, weak and mostly frustrated especially when I saw other people eat, which is why I decided to really work on my mindset. 

I wrote down why I wanted to do it, pluses, minuses, how it differed from other weight loss options and if the sacrifice of delayed gratification was worth it. This had really helped me refocus and the rest is history. 

Five years on and I believe in intermittent fasting more than ever. more thing

One thing I want to say, IF may not be easy at the beginning but I promise you, it will become second nature the more you practice. There’s no way I would still be doing it if I felt the same way I did the first couple of weeks of trying to fast. 

I post tips, all about fasting & weight loss, my own routine on INSTAGRAM @newmibo and @newmindandbody come and say hi. 

You can also find me on LIFE APP search circle NEWMIBO. It’s free to download and join.

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