You’ve decided to use intermittent fasting as your weight loss tool but, you keep stopping and starting, can’t get into the groove of things, feel stressed and not seeing the results you want to see.


One of the most common patterns most likely setting you up to fail and which I have observed from your messages is starting ADF (Alternate Day Fasting; 36 hr fast every other day), with a new training program and also committing to a new diet. 

On paper it seems like a recipe for success but in reality, it is a recipe for a burnout. 

Most people get stressed, overwhelmed, and give up within a few weeks.

Add changes into your lifestyle gradually. Master one element before introducing another.

For example: you can do a 36 hr fast once a week, then twice a week and see how you feel. You can alternate with a 24 hour fast if you wish to do longer fasting. If you’ve never exercised, postpone your gym membership until you are pretty comfortable with your fasting routine. Meanwhile, focus on moving more, walking, cycling.

Perhaps introduce a low carb meal prior and after your longer fast to maximise fasting benefits, then eat as you normally would for the rest of the week.

When I first started fasting, I focused solely on mastering that skill. I didn’t exercise, I started walking daily and I didn’t change anything about my diet. Once the weight started to drop off I felt more encouraged and confident to implement other changes. I then started weight training which motivated me to adjust what I was eating in order to support my training.


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I had a lady asking me about a guy she saw on Instagram who fasts all day and then eats around 4000 kcal meals mostly junk food and has a six pack.

To be honest, I used to watch these people on youtube, I used to be fascinated with competitive eaters and food challenges, I was amazed (jealous) with the amount of food they would eat and yet remain fit.

Don’t know if you’re familiar with Eric the Electric and his insane food challenges but the guy is literally a triathlon athlete. In order to get away with eating in excess of 10,000 calories and remain fit, he trains up to 8 hours per day, runs, swims, cycles every day ( in between eating). He is able to burn around 4000-8000 calories during his training. And that my friends is the answer as to how he eats so much and stays fit.

Unless you’re willing to burn 4000 calories exercising daily then please leave these food challenges to athletes.

Eat enough to support your lifestyle; sedentary, moderately active, active.


Instead of using your fasting window to take a break from eating, you are obsessing over food. You’re scrolling through food posts, you’re thinking about foods you’re going to have once you end your fast, you are thinking about foods you’re missing. This kind of mindset will create a sense of deprivation and you will not enjoy fasting.

You will eventually give in and give up. You’ve not made that mind body connection.

Train your mind to stop obsessing over food when you’re fasting. Instead of glorying food, learn the glorify the process of fasting. Look forward to it and keep reminding yourself why you’ve chosen this lifestyle. 

When people around you eat, learn not to pay attention, learn not to desire food in your fasting window. This will take some practice but it will make you mentally so much stronger and more confident which will ultimately make fasting a corner stone of your daily habits and nothing will deter you from reaching your goals.


Hope you found these quick tips helpful xox

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